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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Protecting the privacy of users of the PonyPay Web site is important to us. Our Online Privacy Statement is designed to inform you about our collection and use of personal information on this Web site. From time to time, PonyPay may modify this Online Privacy Statement.

The Online Privacy Statement is available on the home page of this Web site, as well as at every point on the Web site where you provide us with personal information.

The Only Personal Information We Collect Online is Information You Voluntarily Provide to Us.

The only information we collect about you on this Web site is information that you voluntarily provide to us. This information may include, for example, name, mailing address, Email address, phone number and similar information. If you supply us with personal information on this Web site, we will use that information only to contact you so that we can:

  • Provide you with the information you have requested

  • Facilitate and complete merchant-initiated or authorized transactions

  • Comply with federal, state and local laws, including credit reporting laws and card association rules 

  • Combat fraud or Occasionally send you other information about PonyPay and its services that we believe you would find interesting

When You Browse the PonyPay Web Site, You Do So Without Revealing Your Identity.

This Web site may use cookies or Web beacons solely to aggregate information about the pages users visit so we can update and redesign, as necessary, our Web site in order to provide you with the most useful information. Personal information, such as your Email address, is not collected unless you provide it to us. PonyPay does not disclose domain name or aggregate information to third parties other than vendors who assist us with our Web site and who are under strict confidentiality requirements.

From time to time, however, we may disclose this information to fulfill legal or regulatory obligations or if we determine such disclosure is legally advisable or necessary to protect our rights and the rights of others, or to prevent harm. In addition, we may aggregate data about users of our site and use it for statistical purposes. This information helps us to better understand our site’s users and how to improve our site and our offerings.

We Are Committed to Protecting the Confidentiality of User Information.

Our policies limit access to personal user information that is collected from this Web site to our employees and agents and the employees and/or agents of our affiliates and business partners who need the information to fulfill their business responsibilities. PonyPay may disclose personal information collected online to our affiliates and to vendors who assist us with the Web site. In some cases, this may require your information to be sent to other countries. By supplying your information on this Web site, you consent to your information being transferred across national borders to PonyPay, its affiliates, vendors or agents. Vendors and other outside contractors we engage are subject to our contractual requirements for safeguarding personal information.

Employees and others with duties related to this Web site must adhere to this Online Privacy Statement. Our employees receive annual training about the privacy policies and procedures of PonyPay Ltd and its affiliates and subsidiaries. We acknowledge that protecting consumer privacy is a key part of our trusted relationship with our clients.

Any employee violating this Online Privacy Statement may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. 

By using this Web site, you agree that your use of PonyPay Web site is limited to the terms stated in your agreement with PonyPay. 

In some cases, you may be able to opt out of the use of your data on the PonyPay Web site. To do so, please contact the PonyPay Office at 800.683.0269.

We Use Appropriate Security Safeguards.

At PonyPay, security is a priority. PonyPay employs appropriate measures, including advanced technology, to protect personal information collected online against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. These measures may include, among others, encryption, physical access security, and other appropriate technologies. PonyPay reviews and enhances its security systems, as necessary.

This Web Site is Not Directed at Persons Under the Age of 18.

Our Web site is not directed at persons under the age of 18, and PonyPay does not collect or maintain information at our Web site from persons we actually know are under the age of 18.

This Web Site May Be Linked to Other Web Sites.

As you navigate our site, you may click to Web sites of our affiliated companies or business partners. Those Web sites may have their own online privacy statements or policies. This Online Privacy Statement will not apply when you move to one of these other sites, because affiliate privacy practices and policies are tailored to the products and services offered by the individual affiliate. If you visit the pages and sites of our affiliated business units, please be sure to review the privacy policies applicable to those sites.

We may create links to third-party Web sites. PonyPay is not responsible for the privacy practices employed by Web sites that are linked from our Web site. PonyPay’s privacy policies and practices do not apply to these sites. PonyPay does not guarantee, approve, or endorse any information, material, services, or products contained on these links. PonyPay is not responsible for any content on sites linked from or to the PonyPay Web site. PonyPay is providing the linked sites as a convenience, and your connection to any linked site is at your own risk.

This privacy policy applies only to the information we collect on the PonyPay Web site. This privacy policy does not apply to information we collect through other methods or sources, including sites owned or operated by our affiliates, vendors or partners.

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